50 JavaScript Concepts Every Developer Should Know
Hernando Abella
What you'll find in this book:
- Call Stack
- Primitive Types
- Value Types and Reference Types
- Implicit, Explicit, Nominal, Structural, and Duck Typing
- == vs === vs typeof
- Function Scope, Block Scope, and Lexical Scope
- Expression vs Statement
- IIFE, Modules, and Namespaces
- Message Queue and Event Loop
- setTimeout, setInterval, and requestAnimationFrame
- JavaScript Engines
- Bitwise Operators, Typed Arrays, and Array Buffers
- DOM and Document Trees
- Factories and Classes
- this, call, apply, and bind
- new, Constructor, instanceof, and Instances
- Prototypal Inheritance and Prototype Chain
- Object.create and Object.assign
- map, reduce, and filter
- Pure Functions, Side Effects, State Mutation, and Event Propagation
- Closures
- High Order Functions
- Recursion
- Collections and Generators
- Promises
- async/await
- Data Structures
- Costly Operations and Big O Notation
- Algorithms
- Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Code Reusability
- Design Patterns
- Partial Application, Currying, Composition, and Pipe
- Clean Code
- Error Handling (try...catch)
- ES6 Modules
- Ternary Operator
- Spread and Rest Operators
- Destructuring
- Template Literals
- Arrow Functions
- Array Methods (forEach, some, every, find, findIndex, etc.)
- String Methods (split, trim, replace, etc.)
- Object Methods (keys, values, entries, etc.)
- Math Methods (floor, ceil, random, etc.)
- JSON and Object Serialization/Deserialization
- Fetch API and AJAX
- LocalStorage and SessionStorage
- WebSockets and Socket.IO
- Canvas and WebGL
- Testing with Jest or Mocha
- Who is this guide designed for? This guide is designed for both those who are just beginning to explore the world of JavaScript and experienced programmers looking to reinforce and expand their knowledge. Concepts are presented gradually and accompanied by clear examples to accommodate different levels of experience.
- Do I need prior programming experience? Prior programming experience is not necessary, but it is recommended to have at least a basic knowledge of programming fundamentals. The concepts are explained in an accessible manner, making this guide helpful for beginners.
- Are the examples in the guide practical and applicable? Absolutely! Each concept is illustrated with practical examples that demonstrate how to apply them in real situations. These examples will help you understand how concepts work in practice and how they can be useful in your own projects.
You will get a complete guide to 50 important concepts about JavaScript.
2.31 MB
107 pages
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